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Alpha Male Body Language

Alpha Males:


Don't wrinkle their forehead


Have relaxed facial muscles

Know how to lean back and look comfortable

If someone wants their attention, they move their head slowly

Don't put their hands in their pockets


Don't look down since this is and is perceived as a sign of weakness

Have relaxed eyes and eyelids

Never let their eyes dart around the room when speaking to someone


Make slow head movements


Don't slump their shoulders down

Don't raise their shoulders. either!


Don't fold their arms

Don't look uncomfortable


Keep their hands by their sides and do not touch their face


Sit with their legs spread

This is done to display their crotch and denote that they are sexually available

Plant their feet slightly wider apart than is natural when standing still

It provides them with a solid base


Walk more slowly and smoothly since this is a high-status behavior; the message is:

'Why rush when I'm so self-confident?''

To succeed in this imagine you are moving in a pool of water instead of thin air

Personal Space

Are not afraid to take up space

Move deliberately

Are not jumpy and ready to please people


Don't put so much effort into dressing up, since this implies femininity

Attraction (Signs of)


An upraised open palm signals 'come hither'


People attracted to each other align their bodies to face each other - conversely, people not attracted to each other align their bodies at an angle


Looking into a person's eyes for a few milliseconds more than normal can create a profound, if subconscious, emotional response in that person


Dilated pupils are a sign of sexual attraction


Men predominantly display sexual interest by displaying their crotch


Tight, tense lips are a negative love sign

If a girl wants to be kissed she will lick her lips


A girl will touch her neck


A girl plays with her hair

Touching oneself is an invitation to be touched


Bared throat


Head cocked to the side


Is nervous around you e.g. their facial muscles twitch

A girl will touch her face


Compliments you

Teases you

Hints that they want to learn your language (for foreigners!)

Hints at things you can do in the future


Points their foot toward you


Strokes a cylindrical object with their thumb and pointer finger
(if attracted to a guy!)

Clothes of Courtship

Sneakers are attractive because they hint at playfulness

Sexy Physical Traits


Being near beautiful people makes you appear more beautiful as well, through the law of association


Animated, expressive faces are regarded as more attractive

Cheekbones are universally attractive in courtship


A deeper, smooth voice is particularly attractive because it is linked to increased testosterone levels


Gestures make words more appealing

Moving your hands towards your love interest decreases the distance between you (that is the symbolism)

Reaching out draws your audience in


The body builder muscle man type is not necessarily more attractive to women

A wedge-shaped (high shoulder-to-hips ratio) male body is considered the most appealing

Broad shoulders, a wide chest, a small waist and small, firm, round buttocks are particularly attractive in males


An assymetrical body stance (think Michelangelo's 'David) with the weight distributed unevenly is more attractive that a symmetrical one

General Tips

Putting ones finger in their mouth is a sign of self-reassurance and self-comfort

It should not be confused with touching the mouth, which is a sign of lying

The direction we point our body and feet is the direction we would prefer to be going

The social gaze moves in a triangular area between the eyes and mouth


Glasses and especially those with a thick, solid frame make people appear more serious and intelligent

Dominant Body Language

People organize their position and gestures automatically to show they understand and agree on who is dominant, higher status, superior, or the boss, and who are the underlings.

Whenever a joke, controversial remark, or personal opinion is made in the group, the group's eyes will glance toward the dominant person to see any reaction.

When friends are in a group and no one wants to take the dominant role, all treat each other as if each was the dominant person.

When a person displays domineering body language he or she is using an indirect form of aggression in which no weapon is used or any show of weapons-to-be-used is made. But they are indicating to everyone there that they are a threat and should not be challenged.

Dominance displays aim at disarming and discouraging opponents before the opponent can get the upper hand.

Dominant body language is subtly hostile and is intended to place the opponent into a no-win position where they must make one of these choices:

  1. They could withdraw and leave but would thereby acknowledge the superiority of the displaying aggressor.
  2. They could counter-display (that is escalation for a possible fight) or attack directly, but that would possibly result in injury and further loss of status.
  3. They could acknowledge the superiority of the other and submit to be the underling. Submission is shown largely by body language. This is the most common choice for people living in modern societies and it is very evident in body language of most people.

Being the underling is not all bad and is in fact what one must do usually when working for someone else. Dominance is often subtly displayed as a test by some people. Usually it is ignored because it is not necessary when everyone knows their hierarchical level and acts appropriately within the group.

The body language cues the dominant person uses are these:

  • Directs and controls the conversation.
  • Freely asks questions and expects a response back but gives little or no self-disclosure.
  • Stands with hands on hips, elbows out to sides. Takes up more personal space that way and wants to look bigger.
  • Stands or sits taller than others on purpose.
  • Freely interrupts others speaking. (Others don't interrupt.)
  • Long pause when answering a door knock, or replying to someone. Makes others wait.
  • Freely touches others. (Others don't touch back.)
  • Will stare at others and demand attention. (Others don't do the same back.)
  • Never breaks eye contact first. Others usually break eye contact first by looking down, signifying submission.
  • Occupies a bigger personal space and crowds others on purpose.
  • Takes the lead purposefully when walking and going through doors.
  • While sitting, will put hands behind head, put feet on desk, remove eye glasses and put ear-piece in mouth, or turn chair away from others and stare out window.
  • If not well socialized, will eat and talk at same time while others can't eat.
  • Touching someone but not allowing yourself to be touched is a sign of dominance



Signs Of Sexual Arousal

When women are sexually aroused like when they know they're going to have sex, their cheeks become flushed

Signs of Orgasm

Open mouth / jaw drop

Faster breathing / panting

Arched back

Whole-body spasms

Moaning, sighing, laughing, crying, screaming

Rhythmic contractions of pelvic area


Striding, either natural e.g. by young people or adopted, as done e.g. by politicians, is a sign of youth and vitality

Kevin Hogan_Body Language

Reading Body Language - Home Study Program

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

body, gestures, eye contact, eyes, signals, Body Language, how to, How to, facial expressions, hands, movement, posture, language, movements, nonverbal communication, smile, arms, confidence, legs, emotions

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